Create the future of medicine

Spin-off with the m4 Award

The pre-seed competition m4 Award is awarded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, State Development and Energy.

The m4 Award is aimed at academic research projects with spin-off potential in the field of biomedicine.

Up to five teams receive up to 500.000 Euro for up to 2 years. This is intended to ensure the ability to obtain follow-up financing. In addition, all awarded projects receive intensive project support on the way to founding a company.



m4 Award Benjamin Kick

„The m4 Award was a crucial step for transferring the LOGIBODY technology into a spin-off company.“
Dr. Benjamin Kick, Plectonic Biotech

"The m4 Award allowed us to validate our idea. With the closing of our first financing round, we can now really take off."
Dr. Jonas Helma-Smets, Tubulis GmbH

„For us, the m4 Award was the first essential stepping stone towards a successful start of our company.“
Dr. Nils A. Kulak, PreOmics GmbH